Seminar series in Evolutionary Biology

Colloquium of
Evolutionary Biology


In the iomE colloquium, we have internal and external speakers from all fields of evolutionary biology. It is jointly organised by all research groups of the institute.

The colloquium takes place on Tuesdays at 12:15pm until approx. 1:15pm in the BZ 1 lecture hall (HS 00.187). Talks are given in English. Everyone who is interested is welcome!

If you have any questions please contact PD Dr. Florian Menzel ( and Prof. Ann-Kathrin Huylmans (




16.07.2024  Dr. Sinead English (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)

Why mothers matter: insights from unusual insects
abstract S. English
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)

24.07.2024   Dr. Daniela Rößler (Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour)

The spider sleeps tonight: an exceptional framework for comparative sleep research

(hosted by Prof. Susanne Foitzik)
Please mind that this talk is on Wednesday, 24.07. at 04:00 at the Biocenter 1.

04.09.2024   Dr. M.A. Martijn Schenkel (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

The paradox of the organism: internal conflicts, selfish elements, and the evolution of individuality
abstract M. A. Schenkel
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)
Please mind that this talk takes place on WEDNESDAY from 12:00 to 14:00.

11.09.2024   Dr. C. Lindstedt-Kareksela (University of Helsinki, Finland)

Title to be announced
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)
Please mind that this talk takes place on WEDNESDAY .

24.09.2024   Dr. Hanna Nomoto (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland)

Ecological and evolutionary consequences of direct and indirect effects of climate change
(hosted by Prof. Shuqing Xu)

29.10.2024   Dr. Clemens Küpper (Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Seewiesen)

Title to be announced
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)