Seminar series in Evolutionary Biology

Colloquium of
Evolutionary Biology


In the iomE colloquium, we have internal and external speakers from all fields of evolutionary biology. It is jointly organised by all research groups of the institute.

The colloquium takes place on Tuesdays at 12:15pm until approx. 1:15pm in the BZ 1 lecture hall (HS 00.187). Talks are given in English. Everyone who is interested is welcome!

If you have any questions please contact PD Dr. Florian Menzel ( and Prof. Ann-Kathrin Huylmans (




14.01.2025   Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jonathan Henshaw (Theoretical Biology, Albert-​Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)

Who cares and why? The coevolution of parental care and mating competition
abstract J. Henshaw
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)

08.04.2025   Prof. Claire Spottiswoode  (University of Cambridge, UK & University of Cape Town, South Africa)

Title: tba
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)

29.04.2025   Prof. Dr. Sandra Bouwhuis (Institut für Vogelforschung, Wilhelmshaven)

Terns in trouble – how climate change, mercury pollution and avian influenza threaten an indicator species
abstract S. Bowhuis
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)