lectures already held
Winter term 2021 / 22
22.02.22 - Prof. Tom Hankeln (JGU)
SARS CoV-2 surveillance and evolutionary trajectories
15.03.22 - Dr. Thomas Colgan (JGU)
Adaptation of wild pollinators to a changing world
(hosted by Prof. Susanne Foitzik)
29.03.22 - Prof. Ann-Kathrin Huylmans (JGU)
Evolution of sex determination and sex-biased gene expression
Summer term 2022
26.04.22 - Prof. Joachim Burger (JGU)
The evolution of human populations in southwest Asia and Europe during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene
17.05.22 - Prof. Antonio J. Pérez Pulido (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain)
Searching for bacterial pangenome genes that contribute to understanding CRISPR-Cas immunity systems
(hosted by Prof. Miguel Andrade)
07.06.22 - Dr. Tomer Czaczkes (Universität Regensburg)
Information use and value perception in social insects
(hosted by Prof. Susanne Foitzik, talk will be online only)
28.06.22 - Prof. Shuqing Xu (JGU)
Mechanisms and evolution of plant-animal interactions
04.10.22 Dr. Lukas Hellmann (JGU):
Resarch data management
Winter term 2022 / 23
10.01.23 - Prof. Melanie Dammhahn (University Münster)
Who takes the risk: patterns and consequences of individual landscapes of fear
(hosted by Dr. Florian Menzel)
additional date:
11.01.2023 - Dr. Lesley Lancaster (University of Aberdeen, GB)
Evolution during range shifts and its macroecological consequences
(at 11:00 in BZI, hosted by Prof. Shuqing Xu)
31.01.23 - Prof. Cleo Bertelsmeier (Insect Ecology, University Lausanne, Switzerland)
Impacts of globalization on biological invasions
(hosted by Dr. Florian Menzel)
14.02.23 - Prof. Mehmet Somel (University of Ankara, Turkey)
Stochastic ageing: how drift and dysregulation shape ageing transcriptomes
(hosted by Prof. Joachim Burger)
21.02.23 - Prof. Enrique Morett (National Autonomous University of Mexico):
Whole genomic sequence studies of native mexican populations
(hosted by Prof. Miguel Andrade)
Summer term 2023
04.04.23 - Prof. Emmanuel Gaquerel (University of Strasbourg, France)
Title to be announced
(hosted by Prof. Shuqing Xu)
25.04.23 - Prof. Nate Sanders (University of Michigan, USA)
Studying (mostly) ants in meter² quadrats, on mountains, and globally to understand biodiversity on a changing planet
(hosted by Dr. Florian Menzel)
26.06.23 - Dr. Aileen Berasategui (University of Tübingen)
Leaf beetle propagates a phytopathogen in exchange for pupal protection
(hosted by Prof. Meret Huber)
Dr. Berasategui is currently a postdoc at the University of Tübingen and will soon start as an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam. She works at the interface of chemical ecology and evolution of insect-microbe symbiosis. https://aberasategui.squarespace.com/
04.07.23 - Dr. Eva Schultner (University Regensburg).
A new dimension of the sex continuum in an ant?
(hosted by Dr. Hugo Darras, AG Foitzik)
Winter term 2023 / 2024
06.10.23 Prof. Eric Helfrich (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt)
“Natural product biosynthesis off the beaten path: Machine learning-guided discovery and characterization of non-canonical peptide biosynthetic pathways”
(hosted by Prof. Meret Huber; please note that this time the seminar takes place on Friday instead of Tuesday)
14.11.23 Prof. Lynn Govaert (Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie, Berlin)
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in communities
(hosted by Prof. Meret Huber)
12.12.2023 Prof. Daniel J. Field (Department of Earth Sciences and Museum of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK)
Remarkable new insights into modern bird origins from late Cretaceous fossils
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)
09.01.2024 Prof. Alexei Maklakov (Univ. East Anglia, Norwich, UK)
Testing the evolutionary theory of ageing: from genes to populations.
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)
01.02.2024 Prof. Rob Martienssen (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA)
RNA interference guides epigenetic inheritance and reproductive strategy in plants
(hosted by Prof. Shuqing Xu)
also Keynote-Lecture of the Faculty of Biology
13.02.2024 Dr. Chiara Sinigaglia (CNRS - Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer, France)
Diversity of life strategies and regeneration in jellyfish
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)
05.03.2024 Prof. Marcin Grynberg (Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Warsaw, Poland)
Trip to the Dark Proteome: sketching a chapter of the low complexity sequences clustering
(hosted by Prof. Miguel Andrade)
12.03.2024 Prof. Frank Johannes, Technische Universität München
Plant epigenomics: from complex traits to molecular clocks.
(hosted by Prof. Meret Huber)
19.03.2024 Dr. Koen Verhoeven (Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Wageningen, NL)
“Ecological epigenetics in asexual plants”
(hosted by Prof. Meret Huber)
Summer term 2024
08.04.2024 Prof. Noah Whiteman (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Retracing the horizontal transfer of an immune module from bacteria to animals: A tale of two toxins
(hosted by Prof. Shuqing Xu)
also Keynote-Lecture of the Faculty of Biology
Please mind that this lecture takes place on MONDAY
07.05.2024 Dr. Arturo Mari-Ordonez (Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, Vienna, Austria)
Transposon Silencing in Duckweeds, Tiny Plants with Big Surprises
(hosted by Prof. Shuqing Xu)
07.05.2024 Dr. Arturo Mari-Ordonez (Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, Vienna, Austria)
Transposon Silencing in Duckweeds, Tiny Plants with Big Surprises
(hosted by Prof. Shuqing Xu)
14.05.2024 Prof. Daniel Franks (University of York, UK)
The evolution of menopause in toothed whales
Abstract Franks
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)
16.05.2024 Dr. Octavio Palacios-Gimenez (Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena)
Orthopteran neo-sex chromosomes reveal dynamics of recombination suppression and evolution of supergenes
(hosted by Prof. Ann-Kathrin Huylmans)
Please mind that this lecture takes place on THURSDAY. Biocenter I, SR1, at 12:15pm.
11.06.2024 Prof. Dr. Ines Mandić Mulec (Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Mechanisms and consequences of kin discrimination by Bacillus subtilis
abstract Mulec
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)
18.06.2024 Prof. Dieter Ebert (Department of Environmental Sciences; University of Basel; Switzerland)
Does coevolution continue forever?
abstract Ebert
(hosted by Prof. Shuqing Xu)
25.06.2024 Prof. Kathrin Otte (Universität Hamburg)
Title to be announced
(hosted by Prof. Ann-Kathrin Huylmans)
02.07.2024 Prof. Arthur Korte (University of Würzburg, Germany)
Natural variation in cell type-specific gene regulatory networks.
abstract Korte
(hosted by Prof. Shuqing Xu)
16.07.2024 Dr. Sinead English (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
Why mothers matter: insights from unusual insects
abstract S. English
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)
24.07.2024 Dr. Daniela Rößler (Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour)
The spider sleeps tonight: an exceptional framework for comparative sleep research
(hosted by Prof. Susanne Foitzik)
Please mind that this talk is on Wednesday, 24.07. at 04:00 at the Biocenter 1.
04.09.2024 Dr. M.A. Martijn Schenkel (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
The paradox of the organism: internal conflicts, selfish elements, and the evolution of individuality
abstract M. A. Schenkel
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)
Please mind that this talk takes place on WEDNESDAY from 12:00 to 14:00.
11.09.2024 Dr. C. Lindstedt-Kareksela (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Maintenance of group living and cooperation in antipredator defence: what have we learned from gregarious chemically defended pine sawflies so far?
abstract C. Lindstedt-Kareksala
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)
Please mind that this talk takes place on WEDNESDAY .
24.09.2024 Dr. Hanna Nomoto (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
Ecological and evolutionary consequences of altered competition in alpine plant communities experiencing climate change
abstract H. Nomoto
(hosted by Prof. Shuqing Xu)
Winter term 2024/2025
28.10.2024 Dr. Alexander Brandt (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Evolution of alternative reproductive modes and regulatory novelty in hybrids: insights from Bacillus stick insects
(hosted by Jun-Prof. Ann Kathrin Huylmans)
Please mind that this talk takes place on MONDAY
29.10.2024 Dr. Clemens Küpper (Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, Seewiesen)
Ecological and evolutionary drivers of unconventional reproductive tactics
abstract C. Küpper
(hosted by Prof. Hanna Kokko)
19.11.2024 Prof. Dorothea Toll (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA)
Beyond plants and microbes: Biosynthesis and evolution of terpene semiochemicals in insects
abstract D. Toll
(hosted by Prof. Meret Huber)
27.11.2024 Prof. Caroline Müller (Chemical Ecology, University of Bielefeld)
Ecological Aspects of Chemodiversity in Plant-Environment Interactions
abstract C. Müller
(hosted by Prof. Shuqing Xu)
Please mind that this talk takes place on WEDNESDAY